I am a very skeptical person in response of water conditioners. I receive constantly calls of companies who offer me new products of water devices. Most of them don't work well of what they promise. I have tested extensive the device of Agua Estructurada and offered my clients also to try structured water. Taste and results are convincing.The structured water tastes much better and is more refreshing. I drink now more water because I realize how good it is to my body. Meanwhile , I use the device in my practice and at home and recommend it to my clients.
Mourad Bihman Naturopaths
Certified Coach (Free University of Berlin)
Certified Mediator (Free University of Berlin)
Chairman of the Association Toyohari Germany
"Our new Structured Water Unit is producing amazing changes in our water! My skin feels soft and lubricated after bathing. I use less soap and shampoo. Less soap is needed for washing the clothes. The new water has rejuvenated our plants. My husband says our water tastes better too; and morning coffee is smooth – no longer bitter. We love the new Structured Water Unit and the new life it has produced in our water."
Lileth B. Randall, SLC Utah
"I've never been so excited to shower now that we have this unit in our shower. The cats are loving the water already and my skin is feeling great."
Missy Norgan, Las Vegas
"Since I've been using the structured water, I noticed that the water makes my hair softer and my skin too! The Structured Water Unit is a great product. When I drink it I feel refreshed. I like that kind of water. The water we had installed, before we installed the Structured Water Unit made my hair and face dry and oily, now I feel soft. Well, I got to go. Bye. I am 11 going on 12 years old."
Allison Krok, Salt Lake City, Utah
"Thank you so very much for bringing this extremely important technology to the market place. I am excited to share my reason for writing this letter of thanks. Our vacant lot by the restaurant is growing 15 ft. sunflowers & a lush vegetable garden since using the Structured Water Unit."
Kelly Johnson, Bliss Cafe, Sedona, AZ
"I'm enjoying drinking my water and showering with your Structured Water Unit. I went 2 days without putting lotion on (which I always do). My skin is definitely more hydrated, but still need lotion to stay looking good by the end of the day. Who knows...... maybe time will change that too. I'll let you know! Talk with you soon!"
Deborah, Sedona, AZ