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Frequently asked questions:

What product would you suggest I start with?
Our most popular product is the Portable. You can use it instantly for all your drinking water and it has the added benefit of being able to travel with you. However, if you are ready to experience the powerful benefits of Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada throughout your home and garden then we would suggest the House product.

What's the difference between original Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products and dynamically enhanced products?
Our line of Dynamically Enhanced products have a flow-form inside that is the same structure and size as the flow-form in the current "original" products, but is made from a combination of proprietary, natural materials that dynamically enhance the energy of the Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada.

These enhancements assist in addressing the increased toxicity we are seeing in water environments all over the world.  Our Structured Water™-- Agua Estructurada products are the only known structuring products on the market that offer these enhancements.

The energetic properties of the materials in the Dynamically Enhanced Products are listed below.

• Energetic properties that restore our bodies, and the
• Energetic properties that eliminate and absorb things that are
harmful to man and nature.
• Energetic properties that have the ability to neutralize water from
almost all inorganic compounds, including pesticides, bacteria,
nitrates, free radicals, heavy metals and other harmful organisms.
• Energetic properties that neutralize the negative impact of
electromagnetic fields.
• Energetic properties that increase immunity to illness and
• Energetic properties that rejuvenate the skin.
• Energetic properties that enhance and increase the energy of the
Structured Water™.
• Energetic properties that purify water.

If there are no moving parts in your products, how does the water get structured?
Our Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products create a tuned environment where water is caused to flow in specific geometrical patterns. The flows and counter flows create an environment of dynamic shear and pressure differentials that turn water into a machine.

Our products work without filters (although they can be used if the need arises), without chemicals or salts, without electricity, without magnets, and without any moving mechanical parts.  They require no maintenance.   The working part of the system is the dance of the water itself.

Are your products guaranteed?
We provide a 90 Day Satisfaction Guarantee (from the date of your purchase) or Your Money Back!

Are there any side affects of drinking Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada?
There are no harmful side affects from drinking Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada. A small percentage of people might experience
a slight detox the first couple of days they drink the water as a result of toxins being released from the body.
If this does occur, just cut back on the amount of Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada for a few days then increase again.

Will I taste a difference in the water?
Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products were not designed to change the taste of the water although many people report that it does. Whether the taste changes or not, the benefits remain. Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada neutralizes toxins, increase hydration, increases nutrient absorption, wipes negative memory, and so much more. If the taste in your water is an issue, many have reported adding a charcoal filter to their house can assist with bad tasting water. This can be installed before or after the house unit on your home.

Can I use the Portable product to structure other liquids?
Yes. Our Portable Structures juices of any kind (apple, grape, orange, etc) brings more flavor to the juice. You can also structure your coffee or tea with the Portable.

What results should I expect from drinking Natural Action Technologies' Structured Water™- Agua Estructurada?
Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada creates a blank canvas allowing people to further enjoy real benefits in beauty, hydration, extended plant life, xtended crop season and even many health benefits. Here is a list of just some of the amazing benefits of Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada:

•Super hydration, so you don't need to consume as much water
• Water that has neutralized all adverse toxicants and is ready to
enhance life
• Eliminates itchy skin from chlorinated water
• Reduces hard mineral build-up
• Increased oxygen in the water
• Increased absorption of nutrients
• Healthier skin and hair
• Water that is alive and full of energy
• All memory held in water is wiped clean
• Greater sense of well-being

Are there different types of products for different uses?

Yes, we carry a full line of Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products. We have products for portable use that you can carry with you in a purse, backpack or suitcase when traveling, products for the home such as our shower, under the sink, garden, and whole house products.
We also have larger commercial size products for larger pipe sizes in pools, greenhouses, agriculture, and larger buildings. CLICK HERE to see a full line of products we offer and their descriptions.

Does Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada remove chlorine and fluoride from the water?
Our Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products are not filters and do not remove anything physically from the water. The chemical/toxin is physically there, but its molecular structure has changed. Through structuring, the water is made healthy by neutralizing the toxins in the water through molecular change.
When you are testing for chlorine or any other chemical, you are using a test for chemistry. When water is structured the chemical is still there, but it is in a different molecular structure.
This is like testing for carbon. Diamonds and coal are both carbon. If all you are doing is testing for carbon, you will find carbon in both. That doesn't mean they have the same structure. With diamonds and coal, you can easily witness a difference with your eyes.
With Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada and regular water, you don't necessarily see a difference with your naked eye, except at higher magnifications under a microscope. But most importantly, you will witness a difference with your health and well-being.

Will Structured Water™ stay structured if it is boiled?
Yes, it will.

Will Structured Water™ stay structured if it is microwaved?
Microwaving water or food causes violent and destructive changes to it at the molecular level. These are mutations that are unknown in the natural world, and highly destructive to life of any kind. Optimally, water should never be microwaved. However, we have done kinesiology tests with microwaved water and have found positive results when structuring microwaved water. Once the water is structured, the person no longer tests weak. Although further study is required in this area, initial studies indicate structuring does have a positive effect.

Does Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada remove bad smells from the water?
Although our Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products are not specifically designed to remove obnoxious odors that are in your water, many report that it does. It truly depends on factors like what is being put in water in the area you live, how much is being put in, and ones sensitivity to smells.

If we have a different water filter or water softener already installed on our house, would we still gain benefit from additionally adding your product?
Natural Action Technologies' Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products will work in harmony with all forms of water filters, water filtration systems, and water softeners. You can install the Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada products either before or after the water filter or system. Either way you will enjoy the enhanced benefits of Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada.

For wells with a lot of sediment and sand could we use a filter ahead of your Structured Water™ - Agua Estructurada product without it having a negative impact on the Structured Water™?
Absolutely. The filter will filter out the physical particles and then be ultimately enhanced by the Structured Water™ product.

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